How to protect yourself from the Summer heat?
Summer days are best described as fun-loving and lemonade drinking season. But due to high temperatures and heat waves, exceeding the temperature up to 45 degree Celsius could be an alarming sign for everyone. However, there are several reasons responsible for this sudden high temperature causing deaths due to heat waves and heart strokes. Today, everyone is aware of such extreme weather conditions, but are they equipped with proper knowledge and resources to tackle summer heat waves or not? In this article, we will be discussing the various precautions as well as hydrating methods to keep our body healthy.
Why are summer days getting extreme day by day?
There are many reasons behind this sudden surge of heat waves, comprising the effects of El Niño and global warming. However, such changes will remain consistent due to over utilization of natural resources, but how can we avoid summer heat without endangering our life? The answer is quite easy, but hard to execute. Generally people have an image of summer days when they enjoy cola, lemonade and play their pool sports. But today things have changed drastically due to exceeding temperature and progressive heatwaves.
Body hydration should be your first priority on summer days. However, water scarcity is one of the biggest problems because summer can cause water evaporation at a much faster rate. As a result, water management becomes a big responsibility for everyone. Most importantly, you need to keep your body hydrated even if you are not feeling thirsty. A human should drink 3 to 4 litres of water for proper hydration in the body.
Always apply sunscreen over the exposed body part in the sun. This is a necessary practice that would ultimately help you to prevent sunburns or heat strokes during peak hours in the noon. The proper usage of sunscreen is beneficial to keep your skin free from UV damages.
Take a low calorie meal throughout your day in order to avoid stomach discomfort and acidity. Food digestion is one of the tedious body functions that takes time and effectively affects appetite. Therefore, it’s important to keep the body heat temperature low to ensure the digestion process is followed properly. There are many reasons to keep your calorie intake low, from health results to dietary suitability in evening healthy digestion, as well as promoting optimum body temperature.
Summer heat waves could easily expose your body to severe heat burns, resulting in skin burns and several health problems. However, due to extreme temperature your body couldn’t handle the heat properly resulting in extensive factors affecting your metabolism as well as body hydration level. As a result, you should always avoid going out in peak hours when the temperature is extremely high or above 45 degree Celsius. This single action will reduce your chances of getting sick and provide precautions against heat waves.
Please avoid drinking carbonated drinks, for example Coca-Cola or sugar beverages because these drinks easily cause the hydration within your body. As a result, you will feel much more thirsty and suffer from hyperthermia effects, endangering your health. I know avoiding such beverages would be extremely difficult but instead of taking carbonated drinks you should try some natural alternatives from ginger water, lemonade and fruit drinks.
Body fluids play an important role when it comes to managing internal organs’ health, from hydration to filtration within the body can be the crucial task carried out by such fluids. Therefore, it’s extremely important to keep track of your botany fluids during summer days because heat waves can naturally dehydrate your body from inside as well as outside. As a result, you should always keep a pack of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution). This simple action will ultimately prevent sudden dizziness and maintain your bodily fluids properly.
During summer days, life can be very hectic for you as well as for your loved ones, so you should always try to help as many as possible, from elderly people to animals. Under such extreme conditions, we often have to depend on others for assistance as well as essential commodities. Domestic animals and birds also suffer throughout the summer due to extreme temperatures. They always need a place to stay as well as proper food and water accessibility. So you can always be someone’s help by doing little things that might be helpful for animals and people who are in need.
While going out you should always cover your body as much as possible and the area that is left you should apply sunscreen lotion to prevent sunburn. During noon to 3:00 p.m. the heat waves would be at their peak, so it’s extremely important to keep your body covered with light clothes and use an umbrella or hat to cover your head properly. These are a few necessary precautions that you should be taking in order to avoid heat waves properly.
Room temperature can be a game changer and a relief space for many people struggling with extreme heat issues. When the summer temperature goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius, then heat waves can be easily generated and cause severe health problems. Therefore, air coolers and AC can help you to reduce the room temperature slowly for the suitability of staying inside. But you should always consider the aspects of excessive usage of air conditioners that could lead to temperature fluctuation if you are going inside as well as outside. Therefore, you should always look for natural alternatives to such house appliances.
Summer days can be best described as a season of discomforting situations where you always look for cooling resources that could tone down the body temperature and maintain room temperature without exceeding your budget on electricity bills. Therefore, to counter the heat in the best way possible without burning a hole in your pocket, you should always try several preventive methods and avoid overconsumption of air conditioners that would also release several chemical gasses within the environment.